Penulis Lainnya

Rifky Pratama Wicaksono

Family-friendly policies can help keep Indonesia's demographics in the ‘sweet spot'

07 Maret 2025 / EASTASIAFORUM, 16 Oktober 2024

Indonesia faces the dual challenge of leveraging its demographic dividend while mitigating the risks posed by an aging population. Declining marriage and fertility rates are being driven by economic pressures and shifting cultural norms. To navigate this shifting landscape, Indonesia must empower its younger generation, enhance human capital and implement family-friendly policies. Collaborative efforts among ministries. Local governments and the private sector are crucial to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Indonesia's Vulnerable Cybersecurity Puts SIPD at Risk

25 Februari 2025 / MODERNDIPLOMACY PSeptember 13, 2024

The National Data Center (PDN) ransomware attack in Indonesia at 20th June has had a detrimental impact on various ministries/institutions, stalling the business process

Indonesia's Home Savings Scheme Set to Strain Workers and Employers - East Asia Forum

14 Februari 2025 / EASTASIAFORUM 4 July 2024

In May 2024, Indonesian President Jokowi issued a new regulation concerning Tapera, a public housing savings program that aims to provide affordable housing options, particularly to low-income workers. But the scheme, due to be implemented in 2027, is facing criticism due to the potential financial burdens it places on both individuals and businesses, as well as concerns about inequality, fund management and the inadequacy of incremental payments for tackling soaring housing costs.

Is Nusantara Ready? Analyzing the New Capital's Preparedness for a Historic Event - Modern Diplomacy

06 Februari 2025 / July 5, 2024

Indonesia's Home Savings Scheme Set to Strain Workers and Employers - East Asia Forum In May 2024, Indonesian President Jokowi issued a new regulation concerning Tapera, a public housing savings program that aims to provide affordable housing options, particularly to low-income workers. But the scheme, due to be implemented in 2027, is facing criticism due to the potential financial burdens it places on both individuals and businesses, as well as concerns about inequality, fund management and the inadequacy of incremental payments for tackling soaring housing costs.

Mewujudkan Ekosistem EV: Bagaimana dengan Kendaraan Dinas Konvensional?

14 Januari 2025 / WARTA PEMERIKSA SEPTEMBER 2024

Transisi kendaraan dinas berbasis fosil menuju kendaraan listrik (EV) menjadi salah satu prioritas pemerintah Indonesia sebagai bagian dari komitmen mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca dan mendukung Net Zero Emission 2060. Kebijakan ini, yang tertuang dalam Inpres Nomor 7 Tahun 2022, mengarahkan seluruh instansi pemerintah untuk mulai mengadopsi EV. Namun, implementasi kebijakan ini menyisakan tantangan besar, termasuk nasib kendaraan dinas konvensional, potensi meningkatnya kemacetan, serta dampak terhadap efisiensi anggaran. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi opsi strategis terkait kendaraan dinas konvensional, mulai dari pemanfaatan hingga pelelangan, dan membahas perlunya peta jalan transisi yang terukur, kolaborasi lintas sektor, serta pengawasan melalui pemeriksaan kinerja oleh BPK. Dengan pendekatan terencana, transisi ini dapat mendukung pencapaian target lingkungan tanpa mengorbankan mobilitas masyarakat perkotaan.

OECD Accession Forces Indonesia's Hand on Integrity - East Asia Forum

02 Januari 2025 / 29 Mei 2024

Indonesia must overcome numerous challenges to successfully join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), including improving accountability, transparency and governance standards. To reach the OECD"s rigorous standards, Indonesia"s government must ensure public sector independence, fight corruption across all sectors, implement digitisation measures to enhance transparency and promote active citizen participation.

Deteksi Fraud dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah Melalui LFAR - ACFE Indonesian Chapter

02 Oktober 2024 /

Kombinasi pelaporan pemeriksaan keuangan dengan penekanan pada aspek kinerja tertentu (Long Form Audit Report) merupakan sebuah upaya signifikan demi memperkuat akuntabilitas dan transparansi pengelolaan keuangan negara. Penggabungan tersebut diharapkan memberi gambaran yang lebih komprehensif mengenai penggunaan dana publik dan ketercapaian program pemerintah.